
“A journalist I have not yet become, and it doesn’t look as if I’ll ever be one. I have no wish to acquire all the deplorable attributes that go to make up a perfect journalist. I find it hard to meet the people I meet at the Allied Press hotel — they think that a small hunger-strike is more interesting than the hunger of multitudes. While hunger-riots are sensational, hunger itself is not sensational, and what poverty-stricken and bitter people here think becomes interesting only when poverty and bitterness break out in a catastrophe. Journalism is the art of coming too late as early as possible. I’ll never master that. ” *(Translated by Robin Fulton Macpherson)* by Stig Dagerman.
When I found myself in a conflict I chose my weapon: a camera.
Hunting for images has been my way to contribute, to document, to take a stand, to be able to share, to publish to use them to bring the message across, to denounce to condemn to say what I want to say about a particular subject or situation.
The basic ingredient has been being there, being present with an clear intention to register in a constant effort to reach a balance, to frame in a aesthetic way, to catch the precise moment in which light, shape and form, movement and emotions come together.
In others words to get to what I call the fifth dimension: where the image can stand aside from a particular reality in a particular time frame. with the firm determination to bring justice and dignity to the human expressions happening before my eyes.
It is with responsibility and respect for the realities I hunted that I want to expose, to exhibit my work, I like to bring a spec of light, suggest a vision of what it is or what I see with a firm determination of generating a response, a reaction, a sentiment, an emotion, a movement in people souls because I believe in the power of images.